Monday, August 2, 2010

First Year

Today marks one year since four young men moved into our home, aka THREESIXTY HOUSE. This year has been such a learning experience for our family. We have learned what it is like to live multi-culturally, we have learned how other cultures eat, walk, talk and sleep, we have experienced how others worship our Lord, we have cried together, disagreed with one another, studied The Word of God together, been to the beach, lake and Six Flags together, we have fed and prayed with the homeless in downtown Birmingham together and the list goes on and on.

As our children grow, we teach them to share. I can remember learning to share (my room, candy, toys) with my brother and sister. I can remember learning to share (toys, colors) at Sunday School. I can remember learning to share (lockers, notes) at school. In American, we really haven't had to share our entire life or whole house and everything in it. We don't have to share our food because there isn't enough. We don't have to eat left-overs because there is more where that came from. Our family has learned to SHARE this past year. We know in our minds that EVERYTHING is God's and is to be shared, but we never really had to share it all. Have you ever shared everything? Think about this for a minute and I will share more in another post about the Word Everything!

I have learned that each and every one of us desires to be loved unconditionally.
Thank You Lord for the blessing of sharing life with others. Thank You for the lessons learned, a faith that has enlarged and the relationships that will last forever. Thank You for Your unconditional love for us and growing us for Your Glory.

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