Monday, March 28, 2011

Joy in Adoption

One of the joys that comes with adoption is the excitement of the first time for so many things.  The first grapefruit, the first beach trip, the first boat ride, the first time using toothbrush, toothpaste or listerine, the first times are so much fun as a parent.  Remember when you had this little baby and it took its first step or ate its first cheerio. It make my heart sing!

God has known throughout our entire lives what we would do in response to His offer of adoption as children.  He has orchestrated every detail of our journey to draw us to Himself.  Now, I am not sure how I would respond if I were the one coming from another country to live with white people in America.....but I do know how hard it can be to recognize their hurts that lie within.  I do know the days of concern when the glimpses of their past peel through and they give you small snippets of their memory and then explain that they never ever thought they would share this.

It is during these days of building a relationship that I see and remember how little I responded to my Heavenly Father with love, respet and commitment.  You see, it is only after seeing the fatherless respond with unhindered love that I see clearly the gift I have received.  It is this side of life that I see His Love for me and my desire to please Him clearly.  It is for this reason, love for the Father who has given me everything I need, that I respond to this lost and dying world with the same love offered to me.  The motivation I need for reaching the world is found everyday inside the walls of our home.  Our lives with those from another culture drives me on to share the Good News of the Father who wants to adopt us all. We go so that all will know the love of the Father. We serve so that His ways are proclaimed to every orphan on the earth. We teach His word because it is truth and brings Hope to those who have no Hope and a Father to the fatherless.

Go and be His hands and His feet to the world  Go to the orphans with the message of HOPE that a Father wantes to be his forever!  As a former orphan - lets go and lead other orphans to the adoption place called eternity, so we can sit before the throne of this world's Creator and Priase Him forever!

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