Wednesday, October 22, 2008

RING for Anita

Bullen left his soul mate in Sudan, but he promised to return to her in several years. Only God knows what will happen here, but Rick and I wanted Bullen to be able to share his feelings with Antia while he is away. One of my rings I will give to him. I emailed Bullen a picture of this ring for approval --- Here is his response.

Lala this is awesome ring and she will not know what to say and i she will be only lady who has to have that ring in Arua no one has that in that town

Lala you are doing more that Good and i do not know how to express what you are doing and Rick is doing in my life and Andrew but i give glory to God in the higherst and let his Name be exulted

Anita is my all and i pray that she will be always my every thing though i am missing her but God is always good to me and her so pray that Anita will be like you Lala care for the poor and needy around the World and to impact many Nation as you are doing wright now and also pray that in future our house will be the center of missions

May God bless you i am always praying for you

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